by developmentatmanchester | Jun 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
by Sarah Hunt. Over the past year training donor agency staff in Political Economy Analysis (PEA), I have found the topic inevitably means facilitating a debate. The overt aim of training is to introduce practical tools for carrying out Political Economy Analysis....
by developmentatmanchester | Jun 16, 2014 | Events, Research Findings
A year on from the collapse of the Rana Plaza building which claimed more than 1,100 lives, Stephanie Barrientos and Rosey Hurst ask whether the world has since changed for garment workers in Bangladesh. Watch the recording of our panel discussion on this topic. Only...
by developmentatmanchester | Jun 10, 2014 | Comment, Research Findings
By Richard Heeks Around the time of the MDGs, ICT4D became the focus for a critical mass of activity; a “sidestreaming” approach that saw specialist ICT4D units arise in a number of international and national organisations. Following the 2005 World Summit on the...
by developmentatmanchester | Jun 10, 2014 | Comment, Research Findings
By Richard Heeks What should be the future priorities in researching ICT4D? The post-2015 development agenda will be the single most-important force shaping the future of international development. In planning our priorities for development informatics (DI) research...
by developmentatmanchester | Jun 10, 2014 | Comment, Research Findings
by Richard Heeks A key theme in the post-2015 development agenda is transformation: a belief that the incremental developmental changes achieved to date will no longer be sufficient in the remainder of the 21st century; and an aspiration for a step-change in approach....