From 9th to 13th December, Professor Aminu Mamman hosted a group of scholars and researchers from the University of Rennes 2, France; University of Bielefeld, Germany; University of Abertay, Dundee; University of Ghana; University of Chek Ante Diop, Senegal; ISCAE Business School, Morocco; and the University of Duala, Cameroon. They were here for a Winter School as part of the ManaGlobal Horizon-2020 RISE Research Project funded by the European Union. The project focuses on the understanding of how globalization leads to the hybridization of business and management practices in Africa.
In line with the broad aim of exchanging knowledge between academics and practitioners from the Global North and the Global South, the Winter School focused on how to build intellectual capacity to enable a proper understanding of the interface between globalization and African socio-cultural and policy environment as contexts of doing business and managing enterprises on the continent. Related to the broad aim is the understanding of the challenges in doing social science research on the African continent.
Papers presented included “The Sociological and Anthropological Study of Globalization and Localization; State-business relations for entrepreneurship take off in Africa: Insights through institutional lens; Private Equity Investments in Africa; Is Management a Universal Phenomenon? Theories of convergence and divergence revisited; Ubuntu as an alternative economic Philosophy for Africa’s Economy and business practice? Development and organizational change; Management in South Africa, Ghana and Senegal; Analyse des modèles de gestion des entreprises multinationales au Sénégal. Cas de l’Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar (ASECNA) à Dakar; Gouvernance des entreprises au Cameroun; Gouvernance des entreprises au Sénégal;Gouvernance des entreprises au Maroc.