Global Development Institute Blog

We are delighted to announce the autumn line-up for our GDI Lecture series. The series brings leading development thinkers to Manchester to discuss their latest research and ideas.

Lectures are free and open to staff, students and the general public. All the lectures will be in Theatre B of the Roscoe Building on The University of Manchester campus. Shortly after each lecture, we will share a video and podcast of the talk.


25 September 5 – 6.30pm

Stephanie Barrientos – Gender and Work: Capturing the gains in global value chains


2 October 5 – 6.30pm

Rhys Jenkins – How China is reshaping the global economy: development impacts in Africa and Latin America


14 October 5 – 6.30pm

Raquel Rolnik – Urban Warfare: housing under the empire of finance


23 October 5 – 6.30pm

Tony Shorrocks – Trends in inequality


30 October 5 – 6.30pm

GDI Annual Lecture with Rachel Glennerster – Can technology solve global poverty?


13 November 5 – 6.30pm

Adrian Leftwich memorial lecture with Cathy Boone – Spatial inequality in African political economy: rethinking uneven development


27 November 5 – 6.30pm

Paul Vallely – Is philanthropy good for international development