by Global Development Institute | Apr 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
So the Effective States and Inclusive Development (ESID) team are back in Manchester following a great week in Ghana. It was a hot and steamy 30 degrees in the vibrant city of Accra and during a brief power cut we realised how thankful we were for the AC! Debate and...
by developmentatmanchester | Dec 2, 2015 | Comment, Policy
The Global Development Institute’s Professor David Hulme is currently president of the Development Studies Association. In his latest message to DSA members, David analyses the new UK aid strategy, recent research council changes and the potential development impact...
by developmentatmanchester | Dec 2, 2015 | Comment, Events
GDI Director Professor David Hulme spoke last week at our Global Development Seminar Series. David discussed the recently announced Sustainable Development Goals, and whether they are merely a continuation of the evolving UN “Global Goals” process or demonstrate that...
by developmentatmanchester | Nov 18, 2015 | Comment, Events
The next lecture in our Global Development Seminar Series takes place on Wednesday November 25, with Professor David Hulme. David’s seminar is titled From MDGs to SDGS: Transformation or Evolution? The lecture will run 4.30pm-6pm in Cordingley Lecture...
by developmentatmanchester | Sep 29, 2015 | Comment
Watch Professor David Hulme outline some further thoughts on the Sustainable Development Goals in this short interview with Adam Farkas from That’s Manchester. Also check out: David’s thoughts on global governance for the Guardian. 7 reasons the SDGs will...