By Professor Richard Heeks, Professor of Development Informatics
Read the Development Informatics Working Paper ‘Examining “Digital Development”: The Shape of Things to Come?‘
Any emergent digital development paradigm will be shaped by three changing demographics of ICT usage: geographical, maturational and experiential.
Geographically, we have already moved from domination of the old Internet world (the US and Europe) to domination of the new Internet world (emerging nations of the global East and South), as summarised in the table below[1]. Use of digital technology in developing countries[2] now represents the majority not minority global experience.
Region | % Share in 2001 | % Share in 2017 |
Africa | 1% | 9% |
Middle East | 1% | 4% |
Latin America/Caribbean | 5% | 10% |
Asia | 32% | 50% |
North America | 30% | 9% |
Oceania | 2% | 1% |
Europe | 29% | 17% |
Regional Share of Global Internet Users (2001, 2017)
Maturationally, there are growing numbers of digital natives: defined as those 15-24 year olds with five or more years of online experience[3]. While only around one-fifth of the youth cohort in developing countries are digital natives (compared to four-fifths in the global North), youth in the global South as twice as likely to be digital natives as the total population, and so they have a disproportionate role which might be worth specific encouragement. Given they see ICTs as more important and more beneficial than others do, and given they make proportionately greater use of digital technologies and of social networks, then engagement of digital natives – for example in education or politics – may be enhanced by ensuring there are effective digital channels in these sectors.
Experientially, ICT users are experiencing changes that include[4]:
- Time-space compression: a shortening of timespans for activities moving towards Castells’ notion of “timeless time” in which biological and clock time are replaced by compressed, desequenced notions of time; and a new geography that replaces physical distance with virtual space so that individual experience moves from a “space of places” to a “space of flows”[5].
- Public to private: moving from shared-use to individual-use models of ICT interaction. Voice communication is moving from public payphones to shared mobile phones to individually-owned mobile phones. Internet access is moving from public access telecentres and cybercafés to semi-public home or work computers to personal mobile devices. The digital experience thus becomes increasingly private and personal.
- Fixed to mobile: as mobile devices become the dominant means of access to digital infrastructure and content.
- Text/audio to audio-visual: while it may be premature to call the emergence of a post-literate society, increasing bandwidth and technical capabilities mean digital experiences can increasingly resemble rich, natural real-life experiences rather than the artificial restrictions of just text or just audio.
One can argue that all four cases, represent an increasing presence yet decreasing visibility of the digital as its mediation merges more seamlessly into everyday life and activities. This growth-but-disappearance of mediation thus represents a final experiential trend – that digital technologies more-and-more intercede between us and our experiences, and yet we notice them doing this less-and-less. If the medium is the message, our conscious awareness of the message may be diminishing.
All three of these trends – geographical, maturational and experiential – form the emerging background underlying digital development, which is the subject of a Development Informatics working paper: “Examining “Digital Development”: The Shape of Things to Come?”, and will be the topic for future blog entries.
[1] IWS (2017) Internet Usage Statistics, Internet World Stats
[3] ITU (2013) Measuring the Information Society 2013, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva
[4] Barney, D. (2004) The Network Society, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK; Boettiger, S., Toyama, K. & Abed, R. (2012) Natural obsolescence of Village Phone, in: ICTD’12, ACM, New York, NY, 221-229; Molony, T. (2012) ICT and human mobility: cases from developing countries and beyond,Information Technology for Development, 18(2), 87-90; Ridley, M. (2009) Beyond literacy, in:Pushing the Edge, D.M. Mueller (ed), American Library Association, Chicago, IL, 210-213
[5] Castells, M. (2000) Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society, British Journal of Sociology, 51(1), 5-24
This blog originally appeared on the ICT For Development website