What can GDI researchers tell us about poverty dynamics in Bangladesh?
Written by Skyla Baily
Bangladesh frequently garners attention as an example of development success, with extensive literature exploring its poverty dynamics and underlying drivers. In just over half a century since gaining independence, the nation has managed to more than halve its poverty rate and sustain almost consistent year-on-year growth. Building on its success, the country is now increasing investment in energy, connectivity, and transport whilst prioritising climate change action as it endeavours to continue its growth sustainably.
But what impact have recent world events had on this growth, and what does it look like for people at a household level?
In recent weeks, multiple GDI researchers have shared their work on Bangladesh’s poverty dynamics. In this blog, we take a look at some of the key ideas put forward by PhD researcher Isaac López-Moreno Flores and Prof David Fielding and Dr Upasak Das, respectively.

China’s digital expansion in the Global South: Systematic literature review and future research agenda
By Richard Heeks
What are the implications for the global South of China’s emergence as a digital superpower?
A recently-published literature review from myself and colleagues at the University of Manchester identifies seven key issues that have so far emerged…

What is it like to study Global Development at undergraduate level?
The start of the academic year 2023/24 marked an exciting milestone for the Global Development Institute, as we welcomed the first cohort of undergraduates enrolled in our brand-new BSc in Global Development course. Designed to equip students with the tools to promote a socially just world, the course has attracted a wide array of young people looking to pursue rewarding careers.
So, how are the new undergraduates getting on? First-year Chi-Chi Ojigbani has been blogging about her experiences over the past few months, offering valuable insights into the life of a Development Studies student. We’ve selected a few highlights below…

Governing extractive industries in Ghana
In March 2024, Gerald Arhin passed his viva on extractive governance and the energy transition at GDI. Having already published three single-authored articles, Gerald’s research contributions have had a significant impact both in Manchester and beyond.
In the following blog, Gerald reflects on a recent trip to Ghana, where he was able to share his research findings.

One World Together launches new Community Space
One World Together – a solidarity-based movement aiming to transform the development funding landscape – launched its new Community Space last Friday, 15th March. The event shone a light on the difference One World Together is making to its brilliant partner organisations, as well as how the Community Space will support future collaborations and community-building projects.
Founded by Chibwe Masabo Henry and GDI’s Niki Banks, One World Together emerged out of frustration with charitable funding models contingent on donor interests and priorities. As the pair explained in a speech opening last week’s event, charities spend staggering sums of money on fundraising and operational costs, reducing the sums available to address global challenges.
Thanks to a growing community of Global Citizens, One World Together is working to tackle inefficiencies and inequities within the sector. It benefits from a lean operational model, channelling money from its Solidarity Fund directly to local communities and organisations. And the positive outcomes are clear. As part of the launch event, we heard from the movement’s fantastic partner organisations, each of which provided insights into the difference they’re making across different parts of the world, including…

New open access book – Pathways to Development: From Politics to Power
GDI Professors Sam Hickey and Kunal Sen recently published Pathways to Development: From Politics to Power (OUP) – an open access book that provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the politics of development. The book represents a summary of a decade’s worth of research undertaken by the Effective States and Inclusive Development research centre (ESID) – a project exploring how politics shapes development across settings and sectors – as well as a related project on integrating ‘pockets of effectiveness’ in developing countries.
Pathways to Development asks why some countries experience rapid economic growth while struggling to deliver services, why some countries manage to govern natural resources effectively while failing to protect the rights of vulnerable citizens, and why some countries manage to avoid the so-called ‘natural resource curse’ while others do not.
The following extract situates Pathways to Development within broader trends surrounding the incorporation of politics into development debates, tracking the effects of this political turn on scholarship, policy, and practice. Read it for an overview of the book’s main aims, and don’t forget to read the whole thing open access here.

Twin crises in Bangladesh could have long-term consequences for poverty reduction
Over the last 12 months, researchers at GDI and the South Asian Network for Economic Modelling (SANEM) have been exploring some of the effects of the “twin crises” in Bangladesh: the Covid-19 pandemic and the recent rise in the cost of living. This project is part of the Covid-19 Learning, Evidence and Research Programme in Bangladesh, which is managed by the IDS and funded by the FCDO.

Stories of Inclusion: What does it cost women to be in the room?
Anifat Ibrahim, PhD Candidate: Development Policy and Management
Last week, the world celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD) – an annual celebration of women’s social, cultural, and political achievements, as well as a chance to raise awareness of issues surrounding gender-based discrimination across the globe.
In our latest blog post, PhD candidate Anifat Ibrahim marks IWD by reflecting on women’s continued underrepresentation in prominent roles and leadership positions. She explores the obstacles surrounding women’s participation in the workplace, as well as how we can advocate for women’s social and economic empowerment.

GDI Professor Bina Agarwal awarded first Global Inequality Research Award
Bina Agarwal, Professor of Development Economics and Environment at GDI, and James K. Boyce, University of Amherst, Massachusetts, have jointly won an inaugural prize “for their ground-breaking work in the field of social and environmental inequalities”.

Why Forests? The Sustainable Forest Transitions Project Launches at Manchester Museum
On Wednesday 6th March, the Manchester Museum hosted the launch of the Sustainable Forest Transitions research project. Led by Dr Johan Oldekop, Reader in Environment and Development at the GDI, the five-year research programme will study reforestation and what it means for forest communities globally.