Global Development Institute Blog

Re-envisioning Global Development, Sandra HalperinThe next lecture in our Global Development Seminar Series takes place on Wednesday 11 November, with Professor Sandra Halperin. Sandra is Professor of International Relations and co-director of the Centre for Global and Transnational Politics at Royal Holloway (University of London). She will be speaking on Re-envisioning Development: A ‘Horizontal’ Approach.

The lecture will run 4.30pm-6pm in Cordingley Lecture Theatre, Humanities Bridgeford Street (HBS) building.

More on the talk:

Most approaches to understanding contemporary development assume that industrial capitalism was achieved through a process of nationally-organised economic growth, and that in recent years its organisation has become increasingly trans-local or global. But, as Sandra argues, capitalist development has everywhere and from the start involved not whole nations or societies, but only sectors or geographical areas within states and territories. She presents an alternative way of thinking about global development, encouraging an analytical shift in our axis of view from the ‘vertical’ (states, regions) to the ‘horizontal’ (trans-national classes, networks).

The Global Development Seminar Series brings together scholars involved in cutting edge research on international development. It aims to facilitate dialogue and discussion, providing a space for leading development thinkers to share their latest research ideas with Manchester’s staff and students.

Listen to Seminar 1: Dan Brockington on The Paradoxes of Celebrity Advocacy.

Liten to Seminar 2: Melissa Leach on Equality, Sustainability, Security: Towards Transformations in Global Development.