by developmentatmanchester | Oct 22, 2015 | Comment, Events, Policy
The second seminar in our Global Development series took place yesterday, with Professor Daniel Brockington. Dan spoke on the paradoxes of celebrity advocacy in international development in the UK, and their consequences both for development and democratic processes....
by developmentatmanchester | Nov 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
By Tanja Müller Of course something was to happen for the 3oth anniversary of Band Aid, and the recent Ebola epidemic provided an opportunity too good to miss for self-obsessed Geldof and company! I will not engage here with the wider critique of the Band Aid approach...
by developmentatmanchester | Nov 21, 2014 | Uncategorized
By Róisín Read Since Bob Geldof announced he was re-recording ‘Do they know it’s Christmas’ the media has seized upon the opportunity to report on every minutiae of celebrity involvement. From whether the BBC would excuse Rita Ora from The Voice (they did), to Adele’s...
by developmentatmanchester | Sep 23, 2014 | Uncategorized
By Dan Brockington We have seen, in the first and second parts to this series, that development NGOs have systematically organised and professionalised their work with celebrity advocates, and that this does not necessarily resonate well with British publics. What we...