by developmentatmanchester | Oct 27, 2015 | Comment
By Robert Watt, PhD researcher, SEED Surveys show that the British public is wrong about nearly everything. One more topic should be added to this list of falsehood: celebrity. Just as we vastly overestimate the level of unemployment, the number of immigrants and the...
by developmentatmanchester | Oct 22, 2015 | Comment, Events, Policy
The second seminar in our Global Development series took place yesterday, with Professor Daniel Brockington. Dan spoke on the paradoxes of celebrity advocacy in international development in the UK, and their consequences both for development and democratic processes....
by developmentatmanchester | Oct 16, 2015 | Events
The second lecture in the Global Development Seminar Series takes place on Wednesday October 21, with Professor Daniel Brockington. Dan will be speaking on The Paradoxes of Celebrity Advocacy. The FREE lecture will run 4.30pm-6pm in the Cordingley Lecture...
by developmentatmanchester | Sep 1, 2014 | Comment, Research Findings
By Dan Brockington One of the most intriguing facts about celebrity is how little we know about how the general public respond to it. And, when you do try and find out, then one of the most intriguing things is how little notice many people appear to take of it. Yes,...
by developmentatmanchester | Aug 8, 2014 | Comment, Research Findings
By Daniel Brockington Celebrity is a normal part of development business these days. While we can all point to famous development advocates, I suspect that most of us do not know the extent to which development NGOs in Britain, and indeed the whole NGO sector, has...