by Global Development Institute | Oct 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
Open Access week for 2018 runs from 22-28th of October. To celebrate you can find a selection of our Open Access publications from the last academic year below. Open Access is a core value at the Global Development Institute, as Diana Mitlin, Managing Director of...
by Global Development Institute | Jul 25, 2018 | Comment, Uncategorized
We were delighted to host the 2018 Development Studies Association Annual Conference at The University of Manchester, focused on global inequalities, a theme which is one of the University’s five research beacons. Development Studies has a long tradition at...
by Global Development Institute | Jun 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
Global inequalities is the central theme of DSA2018 in Manchester, which marks the Development Studies Association’s 40th anniversary and 60 years of development studies at The University of Manchester. Focusing on global inequalities challenges the traditional...
by Global Development Institute | Jun 22, 2018 | Comment
The Global Development Institute hosted a visit from the former Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff yesterday (Thursday 21 June) as part of a study tour she is undertaking across the UK. Rousseff is a Brazilian economist and politician who served as the 36th President...
by Global Development Institute | May 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
To celebrate the end of the academic year we brought together leading academics from the Global Development Institute in a lively session. Fielding questions from the class of 17-18 our academics answer questions on the reality of development theory vs practice, the...