dan-brockingtonThe second lecture in the Global Development Seminar Series takes place on Wednesday October 21, with Professor Daniel Brockington. Dan will be speaking on The Paradoxes of Celebrity Advocacy.

The FREE lecture will run 4.30pm-6pm in the Cordingley Lecture Theatre, Humanities Bridgeford Street (HBS) building. Come one, come all!

More on the talk:

In the last 15 years there has been a sea change in the way in which development NGOs, have interacted with the celebrity industries. This talk explores the anatomy of these new interactions , exposing some of the paradoxes at work, their consequences for international development – and democratic practices.

The Global Development Seminar Series brings together scholars involved in cutting edge research on international development. It aims to facilitate dialogue and discussion, providing a space for leading development thinkers to share their latest research ideas with Manchester’s staff and students.