Global Development Institute Blog

Global Development Institute Blog

We’re the Global Development Institute at The University of Manchester: where critical thinking meets social justice.

Human Resource Management Enhancement Programme: Guest Lecture from the Morrinson Wealth Wellbeing

Human Resource Management Enhancement Programme: Guest Lecture from the Morrinson Wealth Wellbeing

The University of Manchester’s Global Development Institute offers a range of taught master’s programmes focusing on human resource management (MSc HRM), organisational change (MSc OCD), human resource management and development by distance learning (MSc HRM&D [DL]) and managing and delivering development projects (MSc MIDP). read more…

Podcast: African cities and urban sustainability: A conversation with Shuaib Lwasa

Podcast: African cities and urban sustainability: A conversation with Shuaib Lwasa

Our latest podcast episode features Shuaib Lwasa, founder and director of the Urban Action Lab, in conversation with Seth Schindler. They reflect on COP26 in Glasgow, discuss how Africa can position itself as an innovator in climate solutions, and talk about urban development in African cities.

Shuaib Lwasa is professor of urban sustainability at Makerere University in Uganda. Having worked extensively on interdisciplinary research projects primarily focused on African cities, but also in South Asia, he established the Urban Action Lab in 2010.

Seth Schindler is senior lecturer in urban development and transformation at the Global Development Institute and co-research director of the African Cities Research Consortium.

The full transcript of this podcast is available here.

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Measuring social injustice under climate shocks to persons with disability

Measuring social injustice under climate shocks to persons with disability

Gindo Tampubolon, Lecturer in Poverty, Global Development Institute

In his treatise on justice, The Idea of Justice (2009), Amartya Sen explains that from Hobbes through Kant to Rawls, the theory of justice is concerned principally with the task of elucidating the hypothetical social contract or ideal social arrangement under which people of diverse world views and persuasions can live together with justice. Separately, from Smith through Marx to Sen, diverse ideas abound, which share concerns with comparing how people live under different institutions and social determinants. Those ideas can then be harnessed to eliminate injustices and enhance justice.

While Rawls’ theory of justice famously leaves the discussion of disability to a later stage, the situation of persons with disabilities animates Sen’s ideas of justice, building on concepts of functionings and capabilities. The achievement of functionings such as being nourished, or being mobile or appearing in public without shame, should be the basis for comparison of how people live instead of simply relying on the accumulation of incomes or wealth. In his example, “a person with severe disability cannot be judged to be more advantaged merely because she has a larger income than her able-bodied neighbour.” Harnessed with the concepts of functionings, I shall use these ideas to measure social injustice under intensifying climate shocks to persons with disability in Indonesia. read more…

Can celebrities influence how we understand poverty?

Can celebrities influence how we understand poverty?

Isis Barei-Guyot, PhD researcher, Global Development Institute 

Influencing development

The connection between celebrities and development may not be immediately apparent, but celebrity philanthropism has come to occupy an increasingly accepted role in the field of international development. For example, it is well known that Angelina Jolie was granted the status of Special Envoy for the United Nations. Events such as Band Aid and Comic Relief have normalised celebrities being the platform through which we become aware of humanitarian issues around the world. The media is an effective way to bring the suffering we cannot see or may not have experienced to our attention, and the increasing use of the word “influencer” to describe celebrities who use social media as a platform highlights the power celebrities and the media have to shape people’s behaviour, attitudes and choices, including when it comes to issues of development. read more…

Climate change, birth weight and smartphone: handsome digital dividends

Climate change, birth weight and smartphone: handsome digital dividends

Gindo Tampubolon, Lecturer in Poverty, Global Development Institute

Climate change threatens the next generation, as young activists around the world tell world leaders insistently. The unborn are not exempt. Secular temperature rises, covering pregnancy period, have led to babies born with low weight (less than 2.5 kilograms) in America, while in India, changing rainfalls have led to increased deaths among infants under two. Mitigating this are programmes such as government workfare and community health workers supporting vulnerable young families with incomes and healthcare. Personal actions, however, can help mitigate the harm climate change visits on pregnant mothers. I look at the effects of temperatures and rainfall, daily, during pregnancy on weights of nearly 50,000 births in Indonesia in 2017 to 2019. Then I examine whether mothers’ use of smartphones modifies the effects of climate on the probability of giving birth to a baby with low weight. read more…

Insecurity and care in the time of Covid-19

Insecurity and care in the time of Covid-19

Gindo Tampubolon, Lecturer in Poverty, Global Development Institute

Brazil tops the rank of Covid-19 deaths in Latin America due, in no small measure, to the government’s response to the pandemic. The president dallies while the toll tallies. On the other side of the region, Chile, responded with some rigour. Sharing no borders with Brazil, Chile shared no hesitation in vaccinating her population at first opportunity. How does the region of Latin American fare in the aftermath of the initial wave of the pandemic? read more…

Hakainde Hichilema’s first 100 days: Continuity and change in Zambia’s New Dawn

Hakainde Hichilema’s first 100 days: Continuity and change in Zambia’s New Dawn

Hangala Siachiwena, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Cape Town, Kate Pruce, ESRC Research Fellow, Global Development Institute, and Marja Hinfelaar  Director of Research and Programs at the Southern African Institute for Policy and Research, SAIPAR

Hakainde Hichilema was sworn in as Zambia’s seventh president on 24 August 2021, after winning a landslide victory in an election held two weeks earlier. Hichilema’s party – the United Party for National Development (UPND) – also secured a majority in the National Assembly after defeating Edgar Lungu’s Patriotic Front (PF). After ten years of PF rule, Zambia’s economic and democratic credentials had been significantly eroded. Amid the Covid-19 crisis, the PF government had defaulted on a Eurobond payment after accumulating unsustainable debt. Corruption was on the rise, and democratic space had closed. Hichilema’s victory was, therefore, welcomed by many Zambians as a ‘New Dawn’: an opportunity for economic recovery and to restore democratic ideals. read more…

Building welfare states in Latin America. What about the workers?

Building welfare states in Latin America. What about the workers?

Armando Barrientos, Emeritus Professor, Global Development Institute

Welfare institutions are the product of social forces – social movements, political parties, worker organisations and their interactions. Who will build welfare states in Latin America? read more…

Building welfare states in Latin America, but which type?

Building welfare states in Latin America, but which type?

Armando Barrientos, Emeritus Professor, Global Development Institute

In response to the impact of Covid-19 on poverty and inequality in the region, ECLAC has called Latin American countries to build a welfare state, described expansively as a “welfare state that, among other things, ensures universal access to health, redistributive taxes, increased productivity, better provision of public goods and services, sustainable management of natural resources and more substantial and diversified public and private investment.” read more…