We’re counting down to the UN summit to ratify the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Over on Twitter and Facebook, we’re sharing an SDG a day along with a morsel of research from our academic staff and students. Below are a selection of this images, showing the breadth of The University of Manchester’s research on Development.
Read more: http://bit.ly/davidhulme
Ralitza Dimova’s research: http://bit.ly/ralitzadimova
Our research and its impact on social protection http://bit.ly/socprotection
Nicola Banks: http://bit.ly/nicolabanks
Diana Mitlin’s research: http://bit.ly/dianamitlin
Details of Daniele Malerba’s research: http://www.bwpi.manchester.ac.uk/about/whoweare/phdresearchers/danielemalerba/
The impact of our research: http://bit.ly/cocoaresearch
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