Global Development Institute Blog

GDI Research Digest: Probing Prevalent Development Narratives

GDI Research Digest: Probing Prevalent Development Narratives

By Dr Louisa Hann The field of Development Studies is no stranger to grand narratives. One much-cited example concerns the inaugural address of US President Harry S. Truman in 1949. Tasked with inspiring national optimism and pride in a context of Cold War tensions...
Why attend communities of practice?

Why attend communities of practice?

In 2024, the Global Development Institute will host a programme of communities of practice, inviting alumni, academics, students, and development practitioners to come together and discuss some of the pressing problems facing development leaders today. Sessions will...
Working governance for working land

Working governance for working land

In their Review “Landscapes that work for biodiversity and people” (19 October, p. eaau6020), C. Kremen and A. M. Merenlender discuss techniques that can preserve both ecosystem services and biodiversity in landscapes that have been modified by humans. They suggest...